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How to Batch Pull Git Repository Updates

When there are many repositories, it can become tedious to manually pull each one. By using the method described in this article, you can perform batch pull operations on Git repositories.


  1. Create a script file named and paste the following code into it:

function showMsg()
   echo -e "\033[32m$1\033[0m"

function getdir(){
    for element in `ls $1`
        if [ -d $dir_or_file ]
            cd $1"/"$element
            showMsg 'git pull '$element
            git pull
            echo $dir_or_file
root_dir="[to_be_replace[Path containing multiple repositories]]"
getdir $root_dir
  1. Replace [to_be_replace[Path containing multiple repositories]] with your own path, for example, C:\repos.
  2. Run the command:

or double-click to run it.

Scheduled Execution

  1. Search for and open Task Scheduler.
  2. Click Create Task.
    1. Fill in the name on the General tab.
    2. Set the schedule on the Triggers tab.
    3. Create a new action on the Actions tab, fill in the Program/script (e.g., F:\, add arguments (e.g.,, and start in (e.g., F:\).
  3. Test run the task. If there are no issues, it should work. (If it doesn't work, you can refer to Pull-Git-Repo.xml)

Deployment on Synology NAS

  1. Place the script (e.g., in any path on the NAS.
  2. Modify the path of root_dir in, for example, change it to "/volume1/projects", which is where you store your Git repositories.
  3. Go to Control Panel - Task Scheduler - Create - Scheduled Task - User-defined script. Configure the schedule and command to run the script (e.g., bash /volume1/stash/permanent/
  4. In Settings, configure the output result. Then select the task, click Run to test the execution, and open the configured output path to view the results.

If you are prompted to enter a password every time, you can enter the following command (user home directory needs to be enabled in advance):

git config –global credential.helper store

This will generate a text file locally that stores the account and password.
The next time you are prompted for a password, you only need to enter it once and you won't need to enter it again in the future.

References and Acknowledgements

This post is translated using ChatGPT, please feedback if any omissions.