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Development of Web-based Serial Assistant

Project Repository: linyuxuanlin/Serial_on_Web

This project is built upon web-serial-terminal and adds debugout.js to implement logging and exporting functionalities. The following are the detailed steps:

Add debug.js code

// save all the console.logs
function debugout() {
  var self = this;

  self.realTimeLoggingOn = true; // log in real time (forwards to console.log)
  self.useTimestamps = false; // insert a timestamp in front of each log
  self.useLocalStorage = false; // store the output using window.localStorage() and continuously add to the same log each session
  self.recordLogs = true; // set to false after you're done debugging to avoid the log eating up memory
  self.autoTrim = true; // to avoid the log eating up potentially endless memory
  self.maxLines = 2500; // if autoTrim is true, this many most recent lines are saved
  self.tailNumLines = 100; // how many lines tail() will retrieve
  self.logFilename = "log.txt"; // filename of log downloaded with downloadLog()
  self.maxDepth = 25; // max recursion depth for logged objects

  // vars
  self.depth = 0;
  self.parentSizes = [0];
  self.currentResult = "";
  self.startTime = new Date();
  self.output = "";

  this.version = function () {
    return "0.5.0";
this.getLog = function () {
  var retrievalTime = new Date();
  // if recording is off, so dev knows why they don't have any logs
  if (!self.recordLogs) {
    self.log("[debugout.js] log recording is off.");
  // if using local storage, get values
  if (self.useLocalStorage) {
    var saved = window.localStorage.getItem("debugout.js");
    if (saved) {
      saved = JSON.parse(saved);
      self.startTime = new Date(saved.startTime);
      self.output = saved.log;
      retrievalTime = new Date(saved.lastLog);
  return (
    self.output +
    "\n---- Log retrieved: " +
    retrievalTime +
    " ----\n" +
    self.formatSessionDuration(self.startTime, retrievalTime)
// accepts optional number or uses the default for number of lines
this.tail = function (numLines) {
  var numLines = numLines || self.tailLines;
  return self.trimLog(self.getLog(), numLines);
// accepts a string to search for = function (string) {
  var lines = self.output.split("\n");
  var rgx = new RegExp(string);
  var matched = [];
  // can't use a simple Array.prototype.filter() here
  // because we need to add the line number
  for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
    var addr = "[" + i + "] ";
    if (lines[i].match(rgx)) {
      matched.push(addr + lines[i]);
  var result = matched.join("\n");
  if (result.length == 0) result = 'Nothing found for "' + string + '".';
  return result;
// accepts the starting line and how many lines after the starting line you want
this.getSlice = function (lineNumber, numLines) {
  var lines = self.output.split("\n");
  var segment = lines.slice(lineNumber, lineNumber + numLines);
  return segment.join("\n");
// immediately downloads the log - for desktop browser use
this.downloadLog = function () {
  var file = "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,";
  var logFile = self.getLog();
  var encoded = encodeURIComponent(logFile);
  file += encoded;
  var a = document.createElement("a");
  a.href = file; = "_blank"; = self.logFilename;
// clears the log
this.clear = function () {
  var clearTime = new Date();
  self.output = "---- Log cleared: " + clearTime + " ----\n";
  if (self.useLocalStorage) {
    // local storage
    var saveObject = {
      startTime: self.startTime,
      log: self.output,
      lastLog: clearTime,
    saveObject = JSON.stringify(saveObject);
    window.localStorage.setItem("debugout.js", saveObject);
  if (self.realTimeLoggingOn) console.log("[debugout.js] clear()");
// records a log
this.log = function (obj) {
  // log in real time
  if (self.realTimeLoggingOn) console.log(obj);
  // record log
  var type = self.determineType(obj);
  if (type != null && self.recordLogs) {
    var addition = self.formatType(type, obj);
    // timestamp, formatted for brevity
    if (self.useTimestamps) {
      var logTime = new Date();
      self.output += self.formatTimestamp(logTime);
    self.output += addition;
    if (self.autoTrim) self.output = self.trimLog(self.output, self.maxLines);
    // local storage
    if (self.useLocalStorage) {
      var last = new Date();
      var saveObject = {
        startTime: self.startTime,
        log: self.output,
        lastLog: last,
      saveObject = JSON.stringify(saveObject);
      window.localStorage.setItem("debugout.js", saveObject);
  self.depth = 0;
  self.parentSizes = [0];
  self.currentResult = "";
// Similar to typeof but classifies objects of type 'object'
// Kept separate from formatType() so you can use it at your convenience!
this.determineType = function (object) {
  if (object != null) {
    var typeResult;
    var type = typeof object;
    if (type == "object") {
      var len = object.length;
      if (len == null) {
        if (typeof object.getTime == "function") {
          typeResult = "Date";
        } else if (typeof object.test == "function") {
          typeResult = "RegExp";
        } else {
          typeResult = "Object";
      } else {
        typeResult = "Array";
    } else {
      typeResult = type;
    return typeResult;
  } else {
    return null;
// Format type accordingly, recursively if necessary
this.formatType = function (type, obj) {
  if (self.maxDepth && self.depth >= self.maxDepth) {
    return "... (max-depth reached)";
switch (type) {
  case "Object":
    self.currentResult += "{\n";
    var i = 0;
    for (var prop in obj) {
      self.currentResult += self.indentsForDepth(self.depth);
      self.currentResult += prop + ": ";
      var subtype = self.determineType(obj[prop]);
      var subresult = self.formatType(subtype, obj[prop]);
      if (subresult) {
        self.currentResult += subresult;
        if (i != self.parentSizes[self.depth] - 1)
          self.currentResult += ",";
        self.currentResult += "\n";
      } else {
        if (i != self.parentSizes[self.depth] - 1)
          self.currentResult += ",";
        self.currentResult += "\n";
    self.currentResult += self.indentsForDepth(self.depth);
    self.currentResult += "}";
    if (self.depth == 0) return self.currentResult;
  case "Array":
    self.currentResult += "[";
    for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
      var subtype = self.determineType(obj[i]);
      if (subtype == "Object" || subtype == "Array")
        self.currentResult += "\n" + self.indentsForDepth(self.depth);
      var subresult = self.formatType(subtype, obj[i]);
      if (subresult) {
        self.currentResult += subresult;
        if (i != self.parentSizes[self.depth] - 1)
          self.currentResult += ", ";
        if (subtype == "Array") self.currentResult += "\n";
      } else {
        if (i != self.parentSizes[self.depth] - 1)
          self.currentResult += ", ";
        if (subtype != "Object") self.currentResult += "\n";
        else if (i == self.parentSizes[self.depth] - 1)
          self.currentResult += "\n";
    self.currentResult += "]";
    if (self.depth == 0) return self.currentResult;
  case "function":
    obj += "";
    var lines = obj.split("\n");
    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      if (lines[i].match(/\}/)) self.depth--;
      self.currentResult += self.indentsForDepth(self.depth);
      if (lines[i].match(/\{/)) self.depth++;
      self.currentResult += lines[i] + "\n";
    return self.currentResult;
  case "RegExp":
    return "/" + obj.source + "/";
  case "Date":
  case "string":
    if (self.depth > 0 || obj.length == 0) {
      return '"' + obj + '"';
    } else {
      return obj;
  case "boolean":
    if (obj) return "true";
    else return "false";
  case "number":
    return obj + "";
this.indentsForDepth = function (depth) {
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
  str += "\t";
return str;
this.trimLog = function (log, maxLines) {
var lines = log.split("\n");
if (lines.length > maxLines) {
  lines = lines.slice(lines.length - maxLines);
return lines.join("\n");
this.lines = function () {
return self.output.split("\n").length;
// calculate testing time
this.formatSessionDuration = function (startTime, endTime) {
var msec = endTime - startTime;
var hh = Math.floor(msec / 1000 / 60 / 60);
var hrs = ("0" + hh).slice(-2);
msec -= hh * 1000 * 60 * 60;
var mm = Math.floor(msec / 1000 / 60);
var mins = ("0" + mm).slice(-2);
msec -= mm * 1000 * 60;
var ss = Math.floor(msec / 1000);
var secs = ("0" + ss).slice(-2);
msec -= ss * 1000;
return "---- Session duration: " + hrs + ":" + mins + ":" + secs + " ----";
this.formatTimestamp = function (timestamp) {
var year = timestamp.getFullYear();
var date = timestamp.getDate();
var month = ("0" + (timestamp.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var hrs = Number(timestamp.getHours());
var mins = ("0" + timestamp.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
var secs = ("0" + timestamp.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
return (
  "[" +
  year +
  "-" +
  month +
  "-" +
  date +
  " " +
  hrs +
  ":" +
  mins +
  ":" +
  secs +
  "]: "
this.objectSize = function (obj) {
var size = 0,
for (key in obj) {
  if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
return size;
if (self.useLocalStorage) {
  var saved = window.localStorage.getItem("debugout.js");
  if (saved) {
    saved = JSON.parse(saved);
    self.output = saved.log;
    var start = new Date(saved.startTime);
    var end = new Date(saved.lastLog);
    self.output += "\n---- Session end: " + saved.lastLog + " ----\n";
    self.output += self.formatSessionDuration(start, end);
    self.output += "\n\n";
self.output += "---- Session started: " + self.startTime + " ----\n\n";

Add download log button

Add the following code after the <button id="SerialConnectButton" type="button" disabled>Connect</button> statement:

<button onclick="bugout.downloadLog();">Download Log</button>

Call the object

Add the following code inside the <script> tag:

var bugout = new debugout();

Output log

Add the following code after the term.write(chunk); statement:


References and Acknowledgements

Original: This post is protected by CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 agreement, should be reproduced with attribution.

This post is translated using ChatGPT, please feedback if any omissions.