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Homelab - Cross-Device Synchronization Tool: Syncthing

Syncthing Logo

Syncthing is a free and open-source file synchronization application that allows you to sync files and folders across multiple devices while supporting incremental synchronization. I use it to back up data from my server to a NAS for centralized management.

Deployment (Docker Compose)

To begin, create a compose.yaml file and paste the following content:

version: "3"
    container_name: ${STACK_NAME}_app
    image: syncthing/syncthing:${APP_VERSION}
    hostname: my-syncthing
    environment: # It needs to run as root, or it won't be able to access other Docker directories or the host machine's root directory.
      - PUID=0
      - PGID=0
      - ${APP_SYNC_DIR}:/DATA
      - ${STACK_DIR}/config:/var/syncthing/config/
      - ${APP_PORT}:8384 # Web UI
      - 22000:22000/tcp # TCP file transfers
      - 22000:22000/udp # QUIC file transfers
      - 21027:21027/udp # Receive local discovery broadcasts
    restart: unless-stopped

(Optional) It's recommended to create a .env file at the same level as compose.yaml and customize your environment variables. If you prefer not to use environment variables, you can directly customize your parameters within compose.yaml (e.g., replace ${STACK_NAME} with syncthing).

STACK_DIR=xxx # Customize your project storage path, e.g., ./syncthing

# syncthing
APP_PORT=xxxx # Customize your access port, choose one that is not already in use
APP_SYNC_DIR=xxxx # Customize the path you want to sync, e.g., /DATA

Finally, in the same directory as compose.yaml, execute the docker compose up -d command to start the orchestrated container.

Configuration Notes

If you encounter permission issues, try changing the PUID and PGID values to 0 to run it with root privileges.

References and Acknowledgments

[Replace with Reference 1]
[Replace with Reference 2]

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